Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lovin' It

Being a mom, that is. I love it. It's the most stressful, amazing, wonderfully beautiful, tiring
titles I've ever had.
Mason is the the most wonderful little baby boy, and even though his crying and fussing can be beyond stressful at times, I wouldn't have it any other way.
I carved a pumpkin today and painted Mason a 'My 1st Halloween' pumpkin. He doesn't know the difference now, but hopefully he will look back on his childhood and appreciate my efforts! Once he wakes up from his nap I'm going to snap a few pictures of him an the pumpkin and will post those later.
With the holidays so swiftly approaching, I'm trying to save money making Christmas gifts. They are turning out great! I may even put them on etsy to try and make some extra cash. With the lack of sales at Mr. H's work, money has been slim to none. I've looked into credit counseling to help get some of my debt organized and easier to manage. Unfortunately it's probably not going to work out since they do include student loans. I think I may be looking into consolidating. We shall see. I'm going to be going back to school in January, but that doesn't give me an income as soon as I'd like. Instead it's just more money to dish out.
I just want to make sure than Mason has everything he needs. And luckily he doesn't require much now...but before too long he will.
Enough of that! It's a gorgeous day and I'd love
to take advantage of it! What to do, what to do.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Life With A 7 week Old

Mason turned 7 weeks yesterday. I can't believe it. The kid is growing like a weed, and time is flying by way to fast.
Things have been going good around here. I love being a Mom to my little man, and being a stay at home Mom is so trying, but so fulfilling at the same time.
Wednesday we took Mason to the pumpkin patch so we could get a pumpking to carve him for his first Halloween.
We are dressing him up this year, but the last time I checked, the kid has no teeth. So no trick-or-treating for him on his first Halloween, but he won't know the difference.
I'm trying to get accustomed to life with a baby still. I think it takes awhile. So many changes on a constant basis, but I'm adapting with him.
He stays awake most of the day now. He might sleep for a good hour or two, but thats about it. Hopefully this means that soon he will start sleeping through the night. We'll keep our fingers crossed on that for sure.
Mason and I miss Daddy a lot, since he works crazy hours. We definitely enjoy our time together.
Well, since Mason is napping (and not for long), I should probably start doing some house cleaning. It might be my only chance to do so without having to hold the little porker in the process.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

5 Weeks and 5 Days Old

I couldn't imagine life without Mason. He is my main squeeze. Literally. He's so precious I can't help but squeeze his little fat legs sometimes.
Last night Mason slept for almost 7 hours! He then got up around 8 this morning, ate, and feel straight back to sleep around 8:30 and slept until noon! Needless to say, since it's such a rainy dreary day, and the Mister is off work today, we all stayed in the bed until Mason was ready to wake up.
He is starting to get so much more fun now that he is awake more during the day. I've been reading to him, laying him on his play mat and playing with him, putting him in the swing, singing to him, and whatever else I can come up with to keep him happy. He's such a happy baby most of the time. The only time he is ever really cranky is if he wants to fall asleep and is having a hard time, or if he is hungry. The kid is chunky. He's gotta have his food when he wants it and not a minute too late.
I love the way he smells too. I just have to pick him up and hold him sometimes just so I can take in his new baby smell. Unfortunately there are sometimes that the new baby smell is overpowered by the nasty baby smell. Mr. H has been hit pretty hard by those unexpected odors, to the point that he was teary-eyed, gagging, and holding Mason with outstretched arms. Gotta love it.
My little porker is growing like a weed. I tell Mr. H to hold him as much as possible, and love how little he his, because he won't be like this for long.
So I end with some pictures of my beautiful little man for your viewing pleasure. To all those that say that perfection is an impossibility...take a look at this little guy. He is the epitome of perfect.

Monday, October 5, 2009


So Mason is going to be 5 weeks old in three days, and time has flown by way to fast. It scares the heck out of me.
I miss the newness. It sounds crazy. But I miss those moments of not really knowing if I was correctly changing his diaper, feeding him, holding him, etc. I've only been a mom for 5 short weeks, but I've learned a heck of a lot. I love that I am needed around the clock. Sometimes it can be annoying when I'm the only one he wants, but most of the time, I love that.
I know he will continue to grow and change, but I still wish I could slow time down. He has just changed so much in such a short time, I guess that is what scares me.
I love to learn more about him as he changes.
But I do miss the newness.

Friday, October 2, 2009

One Month Checkup

So it's late and I'm still up. Mason fell asleep about five minutes ago. We shall see how long that lasts. His eating pattern is all out of wack, so he has been waking up every thirty minutes just to eat a tiny bit more. Oh ad it's only at night. So of course Mommy appreciates it very much.
Today was Mason's on month appointment and he is a big healthy boy. He weighs 11 pounds 10 ounces and is 22 inches long now. So he has done quite a bit of growing in the past month. And everything looks good! He's right on track in the 50th percentile, so he's an average baby! Always good to hear. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get som rest tonight but that is entirely up to him. We will be sleeping in the spare bedroom so I can try go get some sleep.
Oh sleep. How I miss it. Ive yet to sleep over 4 consecutive hours as a mom. And sleeping for four hours only happened all of two times. Let's just hope that Mason will at least sleep for two hours after this last feeding!