Friday, February 19, 2010

Fitness Friday

Start Weight: 203.2
Current Weight: 197.2
Weight loss: 6 pounds!
And that is all I'm blogging about. :)

Fitness Friday

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stress, Stress, and More Stress

Stress has overcome every aspect of my life. I don't think I've ever been so overwhelmed. Well, I've never been so overwhelmed and not known how to handle it. That's the biggest difference.
Finances. Ugh. I hate money. I hate debt, and bills, and not having money. We were expected to get a great tax refund this year, but we received a notice that all of it was applied towards a debt that we didn't even know we had. As of now, I know it is a student loan in the Mr's name, but we don't know what type, from when, what company, or any details.
We were planning on using all of our refund to pay off a ton of medical bills and other bills we have piling up, with the exception of keeping a small amount to buy Mason some new clothes.
So much for that.
Yeah it paid some debt. But when it's a debt you didn't even know existed, it's like you're still at square one. Although I don't normally discuss mine and the Mr's relationship on here, I will say that we have been neglecting it for the most part. With a baby, and financial issues, and his job, our marriage has been ignored by the both of us. It's not the best place to be, and we are working through it.
We may take a social hiatus of some sorts for the next couple of weeks so that we can focus on us again. I'm hoping we can get out of the house a few times and spend some time alone without Mason. We need that.
With that, I probably won't be blogging much for a little bit. I have been slacking off anyways, but my main focus is my family. The Mr. and I are having a date night. It's past due and we need it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lesson Learned

Proofreading is necessary. Even in the blog world.
I will not blog from my phone because my thumbs are retarded spastic and I'm illiterate.

The End.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snaggle Tooth

After a week of what seemed to be sheer torture for Mason and I, his first two teeth broke through. Many a Motrin, teething tablets, frozen wash cloths, and teething rings later, I realized that nothing really seems to sooth the pain for little dude. Baby Oragel works for a whopping 2.5 seconds, and the endless screaming then resumes.

He refuses to let you look at them. He musy be embarrassed of his Waffle House grin. I personally think it just happena to be the most precious thing ever. I was afraid the new toothy smile couldn't compare to his gummy baby grin, but I guess parents are right when they say, 'Just when you think they couldn't get any cuter...'

Mason is also sitting up with a little assistance. He has to work on his balance some more. He is also eating solids now of carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, and squash. The kid loves peas. Strange. However, at almost 19lbs now, I think he's content on having any food put into his mouth.

Where did my sweet, quiet, snuggly newborn go? He turned into a screaming, pea-eating, sleeping-through-the-night, playful but cranky, tiny terrorist. Ahhh the joys of motherhood.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Fitness Friday - On a Monday

Well it has been a crazy weekend for me and I've slacked off on the blogging. So here is my fitness Friday update.
Start Weight: 203.6 lbs
Current Weight: 199.8 lbs.
Weight Lost: 3.8 lbs.
So I'm averaging a little over a pound per week. I'm happy with that! I need to step it up this week. I'm ready to hit the 10lb mark already. I've realized that when you aren't actually paying for a Weight Watchers membership and doing it from home, there is a lack of motivation there.
Hopefully this week will be better!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sneak Peek

Something I've already made. Cocktail napkins!

And a peek of another one of the lovely fabrics I ordered. Hmmm, what to do with it?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Goodbye January, Hello February!

The first month of 2010 is officially finished. In January Mason had his first real food (sweet potatoes), learned to roll over (and won't stop), and began sleeping in his crib through the night. That is a lot of change for the little guy! I know there is so much in store for this month as well.

I, on the other hand, decided to get an Etsy store in the works (and unfortunately it may be another week or two before that opens) and began my weight loss journey.

So let's say a fond farewell to all of the good changes that occurred in January of 2010 and welcome the new events that are in store! All of my family is healthy and happy, so all in all it was a great month!