Wednesday, March 25, 2009

16 week appointment

Today I am 16 weeks and 5 days, and I had an OB appointment this morning. Checked the heartbeat, everything sounded good, and I've only gained 5 pounds the entire pregnancy so far. I was definitely excited about that.
They didn't do much else, but they did schedule my Level 1 Ultrasound for my 20 week appointment. Even though we have already found out the sex of the baby, it is still exciting to be able to have an appointment that is just an ultrasound of how big the baby is, what everything is measuring, etc.
Also, it's exciting too because this is the one time that they can change my due date. At my last appointment I was measuring 3 days ahead, and if that still holds true, they'll change my due date with however the baby is measuring.
After all of the talk of baby being bigger, I am hoping that my due date will be sooner rather than later. I mean who looks foward to pregnancy anyways? I just want this to be done and have the kid already!

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