Thursday, July 2, 2009

Doctor's Apppointment and Tolerance Test

So today was my big three hour glucose test! It didn't go as bad as I pictured it would. Basically I got to drink the lovely sweat-flavored drink, Glucola, and have my blood drawn 4 times in the course of 3 hours. I won't hear back about my results for another week, but I'm not too worried about it.

As far as the rest of my appointment went, everything seemed normal. Blood pressure was good, got to hear Mason's heartbeat again, still measuring ahead of schedule, and I actually lost 3 pounds since my last appointment. I'm pretty sure it's water weight, since I have been chugging down water like crazy lately. And I'm also aware that I will gain this back, but that just gives me all the more reason to indulge myself this week. Also, we discussed my crazy insomnia I've been having lately, and after talking about it for a bit, she decided to prescribe me Ambien. I'm only going to use this on a have-to basis and not rely on it. I'm not much of a medicine taker (I normally refuse to take over the counter meds for headaches and colds), so I definitely don't want to take it more than necessary.

Afterwards, the girls and I (since I had to fast after midnight last night) went to lunch at Longhorns. I devoured just about everything and it was delicious! Then we headed over to Floyd Hospital so I could go ahead and pre-register for labor and delivery. Now that that is out of the way, I won't have to worry about sitting there for 20 minutes during the time of labor to give them all of my information.

All in all it's been a good day! My next Dr's appt is July 15th and my 3D/4D ultrasound is a week from this Saturday! Woohoo!

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